2 years ago

Race X is short for Race Xenophylum or smth idk I'm just a nerd

Getting into nerd stuff now

"Xeno" as a prefix means "guest" or "stranger". If I am remembering correctly, Gearbox has stated that the Race X isn't classified together based on genetic similarities like other animals, but on the common ability they have, being innate and instant teleportation.

"Phylum" is a taxonomic term used for classifying species, but more specifically, key differences they have that differentiate them from different members of their species. Considering how vastly different the Race X are with their abilities being unheard of among other creatures, this would make sense. At least to me.

So Race X is short for Xenophylum.

Why did I go this in depth about science stuff? Well "Race X" sounded too generic for these entities so I wanted to spice the name up a bit to make it less bland.



Next up

me ripping a line of pure cocaine to get the rest of the game done in 0.54 seconds

In a world where glansmart is not, you will figure out.

This video was sponsored by me.

Glasgow's 1 Definitive Edition

Mr Crowbar Man

my model appears on google when you look up "shock trooper opposing force"

Drew Gordon Freeman! :D

@Dungeonation toot tge poot 2 coming soon????

omg its my spawn dayyy!!!1!!1!

i am now however old i am on this forsaken platform.

anyways enjoy this NEW pit drone model i made as a consolation for no activity lately, as ive been taking it a bit easy recently.

practice anim with toot the boot himself audio by @SisterBee

this guy is so epic this is my old shock trooper model, but all fixed and cleaned up to be one mesh also new Shock Roach model too