So, Day 2, 1:26 AM. Finally finished random generation! Woo Hoo!

See! They are different!
The white boxes are place holder for enemy’s and other stuff like chests.
I have to start on the AI now and the menus etc. This was the thing I was dredding the most! I added some other things aswell, we now have melee, a better movement system, a gun! (:O) On top of that lots of support for this game by you guys! :) Something that I did was followed the exact limitations of the GameBoy, like the max sprite size of 16x16 which I don’t think the other guys are doing sadly. Bonus points? I’ve also been live streaming a lot of my development process on my channel “fallenmoons12”. I also update my progress a lot on Twitter so follow me there, “FallenMoons12”. Anyway, the other games look fantastic aswell! Good luck to the other people participating!
And finally, a little treat ;)

Sleep time for me!