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-200 Profile Followers and Main Menu Reveal!-
Thanks for 200 profiles followers and your support, there's a new auditions page upcoming real soon after the reveal, yet I was too much busy a lot but I will keep you all updated, here's the menu reveal!
there might be teasers soon since classic mode is now getting a glowup (still there's more soon) but for now, take this for now 🐛
i will give you a small teaser of the menu for now, when the profile hits 200 followers, then i will show the whole menu as you guys wanted as promise
The Unwanted Guests gamepage is officially out now!
Check it out here:
-Welcome Page + OCs References-
Welcome to Gorestriker Studios, this is where I started working on a big FNaF project such as Somniphobia, feel free to look around!
SOMNIPHOBIA Auditions: Soon
@TylerTheDevilGameJolt that one weird fangirl's voice be alike
your meds sir
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