What is the thing that you fear most? Is it something like arachnophobia, or is it something...deeper than that? That is a question that our protagonists are faced to answer in this series. Garroth's fear of nature has haunted him since his childhood, and it comes back to bite him hard. Kathryn has always been uneasy trying to cope with the demons inside of her head. Dr. Hatch's fear of losing control has created a monster of unpredictable proportions. But in the Five Nights At Freddy's universe, fear is a thing that corrupts the human soul...
Welcome to a mini-novella Fazbear Frights fan work I'm working on. I do not own the rights to FNAF or the Fazbear Frights Series, or the Twisted FNAF Series (The Silver Eyes, The Twisted Ones, The Fourth CLoset), or any of its canonical characters/terms/places.
That's the synopsis. Here's the covers I have so far. The titles I have for the stories so far are as follows.
Code Of The Wolf
Cut The Strings
The Sting of Death
(Unnamed Fourth Story)

The first story is focused on the Twisted Wolf, obviously, but make no mistake: the story will be different than the Twisted Ones, although it does take a lot of aspects from the book. The second story will be something like a mix between "1:35 A.M." and "Dance With Me" in a way. The third story will hopefully introduce a new animatronic. The fourth story will be a bit like "Fetch" and "Count The Ways", but mainly because the main villain is a stalker who is also a sadist. That's all the info I really have for now. I've only gotten the intro for "Code Of The Wolf" written so far.