2 years ago

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(The Summer Plan)

Hey guys this is the summer plan we are gonna plan for this summer what we will try and do is so we are gonna finish Robo's Foxhouse V1.20 this July and then after that we will develop John davids revenge 2 and it will release in September the 2 games and we are calling this event

(Septemberfest2023) or (RFHevent2023)

((now we haven't released all of our newer games in a while so here's the new plan))

John davids revenge 2 Sep 2023

Robo's Foxhouse Remastered Nov 2023

Robo's Foxhouse 3 Mar 2024

Night in darkness Discontinued

ONACF Neon discontinued

Robo's Foxhouse neonhouse Discontinued

((Here's is some new games coming soon in 2024))

Robo's Foxhouse 2027 (Final Disaster) 2024

Fennec house 2 2024

Lobre's Playhouse 2024

(a little note a trailer for RFH 2027 will be made soon because it will release sometime in may or June 2024)

And we want to make Robo's Foxhouse and Robo's Foxhouse 2027 look very realistic and a better game so what

Now for this summer I will get a credit card and Robo's Foxhouse will cost 1.45 Euros but for our Robo's Foxhouse Ambassadors @Luckylrobinson for supporting our work in our games @polikux for the first person to speed run our game @wuyeye for being an old Robo's Foxhouse supporter throughout the months @RaytheBox (I don't know his username but first every person to beat our game congratulations all 4 of you for making us a great community you may get the Robo's Foxhouse Files for free and in the game there will be the ambassadors Hall of fame with those usernames. Now the Hall of fame will update every year with either a new ambassador or keeping the same ambassador if they continue to keep Robo's Foxhouse alive

Now what we will do is when we make some small amount of money i will make a business for the game and i spend some money on some premium features and then i will hire some people to work at (Robo's Foxhouse CO) So then we can also keep Robo's Foxhouse alive. Now i do understand this is a Fan game and the original game FNAF is by SCOTT

but i really wanted to make this game not for money and to become famous but for fun and to entertain people Now we are a small Community but what our plan is to make our game popular and then one day i will remake Robo's Foxhouse on either Unity or Blender and then Robo's Foxhouse will be fully 3D and i will be able to put in more features which you can do on Unity/Blender

((Now heres a little story how Robo's Foxhouse originated))

Robo's Foxhouse was a prototype game back in 2021 March. it was called One night at Robo's House it had an old Robo Model with a hoddie over it with red eyes and a red bloody smile and his name was called Stalker fox this character originated in a kids game called ANIMAL JAM. the old game had 4 characters Stalker fox Ghosty fox Hitfox and Baby fox

The rest of the characters didnt originate from that game but then the game got cancelled which resulted in (A very useless and wastful game) But then some time later I made the First original robo's Foxhouse Project Called Robo's Foxhouse! it had only 2 characters in this version Robo and Frosty fox These 2 characters also Originated in Animal jam

Robo was a red fennec fox with yellow fire strips on him and a blue spiked tail a toaster on his back knifes and forks on his head and the Yellow squares around robos eyes next to it is a yellow star thats not his pattern thats actually his Glasses It was called Golden sea star Glasses.

Now moving on when the game was fully finished with more characters it had these characters

(Robo) (Frosty fox) (Fizzy lemon) (Jello) (Cutie) (Anniina) and lastly (Dizzy fox)

The character Anniina used to be a character on the right side you had to feed her donuts which is nearly the same as clicking on Icey fox on also your Right but Icey fox and Anniina is 2 different characters anniina was a gray fox with blue wings and a blue flower hat on her head she had an innocent jumpscare but when The remastered Robo's Foxhouse was made which is now the main game she does not exist anymore so if you download the Robo's Foxhouse Game pack on gamejolt it will have Robo's Foxhouse Original V1.11 which contains the character Anniina now in september the New Robo's Foxhouse was created because the original file got broken due to a sound bug which ruined all the sounds in the game if that would of never happened Robo's Foxhouse would be on V1.30 or higher and everything would be different but yeah it had all of the same character but all of the actions of the characters changed except Robo Cutie Jello like for example For frosty fox you had to reset Heating because frosty fox makes your room cold but now you have to point your flashlight at him and for Dizzy fox you had to go front and click the horn button and lastly for Fizzy lemon you had to Hold Space to keep yourself quite but now you have to switch off the genarator for some time

But all these updates were good like The V1.4 halloween update V1.5 Squid game V1.6 or 7 jurrasic park and all the other events and stuff and we recently had The new universe V1.20 which contains alot of new features and i learnt how to use scratch in less then a year all because i kept making games and i kept watching people make scratch games like TheGriffPatch he made alot of tutorials i watched his videos and thats how i learnt alot with scratch before that i wanted to make a game called RoboBrewsPotions. I go to a Special needs school Because im (Autistic) I struggled alot with work and alot more i tried using scratch but i flipped our and i smashed the computer but at home i made a game calld One night at Foxes i managed to make it but it had no ending no jumpscares no AI nothing until i kept learning and learning and i made my games better like when i first made Robo's foxhouse it was just a basic game but now in V1.20 it nows looks alot better

And when i was younger i was even watching @BisketDog dog now Biscuitdog is a person from canada who made his games like (Puffys Crabshack) He inspired me i watched his video of him making (No place to run) with his Friend/Brother Aaronmaster he made games like (The ultimate fnaf fan game engine) (the Break in) and he inspired me so i made my own games like his and i continued making it look better and i managed to make Robo's Foxhouse better then Puffys crab shack and the one thing i didnt understand was How was he way more popular then me but i had a better game then his and some people said (Puffys crabshack is better) but I dont give a F**k what people say about my games i wanted to make this game for entertainment and when i was younger i wanted to get in touch with Biscuitdog and make a collab with him infact (This year I want to make a collab with @BisketDog dog to make a movie containing his characters and my Characters working together to fight a big Monster that was formed by the Evils which can make it a 1 Hour movie)

Now I havent got to Fully chat with him but if he sees this post i want to try and get in touch with him about the plan im making

Now about our other games I made games like ONACF RFH FIB FH and others but yeah Thank you Everyone for all the support and all these good times i had

I have struggled alot in the past and I am Autistic but it does not mean im cursed but it means im just Creative!


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This is what Mobile controls will look like on Robo's foxhouse Burnt to hell!


I know what your plans is! I WILL FIND YOU!!

Rat Race Production Update

Its Going good!

Chapter 1 The accident

Hey everyone Robo's Foxhouse Burnt to hell devlopment is paused for now due to stressful coding on it but we are working on our other game Foxy's Funplace Diner (The Forgotten history!)
