2 years ago

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Hey everyone I want to make an announcement so yes i will work on the new V1.20 update it will release in september i wont miss out to make that september fest live on youtube

Here are the announcements

Robo's Foxhouse will be available in these Countries


The Countries marked in blue are the available countries

and Here is another list of Countries Robo's Foxhouse will be available Outside of Europe!

  • United States

  • Canada

  • Brazil

  • Argentina

  • South africa

  • Egypt

  • UAE

  • Saudi arabia

  • India

  • South Korea

  • Japan

  • Taiwan

  • Philippines

  • Thailand

  • Australia

  • New Zealand

Robo's Foxhouse in 2024 may sell Game Discs Compatible with

Windows 7/Vista/10/11


And the price being the same 0.99 Euros

I may have made a mistake about the price but that is the Price plan for this Year Depending What Bundle or Edition you Buy

Speaking of bundle I want to announce Editions and Bundles!

There is 5 Editions which Cost Twice or Trice the normal price

Here are the names

  1. Flamming Fox | 1.99

  2. The Lost Truth | 2.99

  3. Soldiers of Foxhouse | 2.99

  4. RealHouse | 1.99

  5. Times the Charm | 1.99 1.64

I even listed the Prices of the Editions Bundles DLC'S

Robo's Foxhouse Might have some Posters Advertising around europe except The United Kingdom Due to alot of Dangerous activity on the outside. There might be some Posters in the United Kingdom But Quite rare to find Some

Thats all I want to explain I will give out more imformation Later on!



Next up

Chapter 1 The accident

The progress is going good so far I will send more pictures in a few hours as I nearly passed out while developing!

This is what Mobile controls will look like on Robo's foxhouse Burnt to hell!


Hey everyone Robo's Foxhouse Burnt to hell devlopment is paused for now due to stressful coding on it but we are working on our other game Foxy's Funplace Diner (The Forgotten history!)


Rat Race Production Update

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I know what your plans is! I WILL FIND YOU!!