Hice otro link , prometo que está vez contestaré todo y si es que no se encuentra este post lo pondré en mi bio

I made another link, I promise that this time I will answer everything and if this post is not found I will put it in my bio



Next up

🇲🇽: Gente encontré una ratita 😭 (me quedo divina 😏)

🇺🇸: Guys, I found a little mouse 😭 (I look divine 😏)

🇺🇲: Emi releases Deku ;-;

🇲🇽:Emi suelta a Deku ;-;

Fen papercraft

Guys...I have to let you know that I will be leaving Game Jolt for a long period of time, I will be going to Twitter/X I will miss you, since you were a reason to post and others to go...Don't forget to contact me on discord sweets :'3

I had this drawing in my gallery and I'm going to upload it here :D

Sorry sorry sorry :(...