8 years ago

Readying for Going Live

Just added:

  • 11 new loading phrases

  • 2 new laser gun skins

  • 4 new misc. objects (Pizza Bombs, Heavy Boxes, Planks, and Ice Cream)

  • updated thumbnails for all creations

  • fullscreen

Also there’s now a pretty solid outline of upcoming work for the next version. I’m loving the reactions to the trailer, I’m hoping the game will be equally (or perhaps more than) enjoyable! Everyone ready for it?

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Next up

You can now listen to the soundtrack of simulation on Spotify and other major streaming platforms.…

Are you ready for new Link?

Post title super Another new world has formed… Some of the tools got updated! Version 0.2 is coming.

Progress Update for Skyfear

New Shine!

Antique chess figures you can use in Unreal Engine! #3d #chess

Update incoming There is a very possible chance of something exploding in our studio, but we’re aiming a new Optimum Link update for this weekend! Stick around, a new trailer is probably going up this week.

We are under attack!

Successful landing
