Realm of Rulers 0.20.1
This is a small hotfix patch for some issues that were found since releasing 0.20.
Some of these issues were found by the community and have now been addressed. If you find any more glitches or issues with the new content or existing content let us know here or on the forums!
Public Server Notice
Unfortunately we had to close access to the public dedicated server as the server costs could not be covered by our patreon support.
If you would like to see these server return please consider supporting us on our patreon page here:

Thank you to all players who test and give feedback! It is invaluable and helps us greatly. We hope you enjoy Realm of Rulers!
Connect with the community
If you would like to suggest ideas or report bugs let us know on our forums or our new Discord server.
Support us on Patreon:
Fixed Buildings not showing when spawned through the build menu
Fixed auto heals working in death state
Fixed health and stamina bars flashing when bag/inventory is open
Fixed hotbar flashing white when switching equipped item
Fixed tool durability mechanic exploit
Reworked player tag update system to reduce occurrences of “Unknown Ruler” replacing username
Disabled Dedicated server access due to server cost
Reworked navigation blockers as they didn’t represent the world model correctly reported by Lordmoomoo