
1 year ago


Hello everyone, before I say anything I would just like to apologise for how little I have been posting on GameJolt as there hasn't really been much to post about regarding ROXY's. However, now I feel I have enough news to make a post!

First of all, the final playtesting phase of ROXY's is now complete! Over the course of a month or so, I have been working with some trustworthy game developers who have given me some great feedback and now believe the game to be in it's best form. I thank those game developers dearly and they will all be creditted on the ROXY's GameJolt Page!

As playtesting has concluded, I have now begun working on the Scratch version of ROXY's. Originally, the game was being developed on Scratch but needed to be moved to Turbowarp as the game got bigger and bigger. Now, the finished project will be imported back onto Scratch. However, due to the nature of the game, I needed to make some changes. These being the replacing of some sounds and assets in order to appease the Scratch Community Guidelines and, sadly, the cutting of some features (mainly the Custom Night and Extras Menu) in order to fit the project onto Scratch and have it run smoothly. Don't worry though, this is only for the Scratch Version!

I also wanted to mention that I have done some rebranding with this Gamejolt Page! Originally, this account's branding was associated with goatcheesejuice (my YouTube account) and AngryTomatoes (my Scratch account). However, now I wish to detach my creative projects from those accounts in order to appear more organised. This means I have also taken all ROXY's media off of the 'goatcheesejuice' YouTube Channel and have created a new channel. That channel has all of the ROXY's media reuploaded there and will be hosting future ROXY's content so feel free to subscribe!

Thats all I have for now, but more news is sure to come! Thank you so much to everyone who has been following this project so far!



Next up

Be sure to check out my good friend @wintkit 's game, Project: Roxy's, it's utterly incredible!

ROXY's will no longer be receiving updates

Happy 10th Anniversary to Five Nights at Freddy's!


Happy Pancake Day!

Rat Race Production Update

ROXY's has now been released for people to play!

roger is dead, billions must quest

''Could someone be at my window?''

ROXY's is coming to the Scratch FNAF Fangame Direct!