6 days ago

Ребят я тут видео сделал и уже набрал 130 просмотров за пол часа я в удивлении!!!!!!
смотерть имбовый контент пора если юьую такие просмотры даёт

new vidoe on my Youtube chanel (video on rus)




Next up

Hello everyone, and I can say that the development is ongoing and such an arena and walking sounds have been added. Weapons and an opponent will be added soon!

Hello everyone, I started developing my unity game in the style of stalker and Metro 2033. Here is the link to it

Link: https://gamejolt.com/games/biozoneisnotstalkerormetro/895460

Я создал смену оружия сегодня. Следущее видео будет в Шортс формате я обещаю сделать его ЗАВТРА!!!! (послезавтра) (новый полномасштабный ролик к середине июля)

Celebrate Minecraft's 15th anniversary with these quests! Unlock a new background!

The game was first released to the public on May 17, 2009.

Check your quest log to start completing the quests!

this static just imbasibal!!

Minecraft's 15th anniversary is this Friday! 🤯

Quests celebrating the iconic game will pop into your quest log on Friday, so get ready to celebrate!

The game itself is humorous and its feature is that it is a shooter where you have to fight zombies from Minecraft.

Well, that's all about this game!

Игра рофляная, и ее особенность, что это шутер, в котором вам предстоит сражаться с зомби из Майнкрафта.

In short. I made a sound when walking and such a shot (white capsules are bullets) :)

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

первый прогрес моей игры. Готовы стены, пол и дерево!:)

the first progress of my game. The walls, floor and wood are ready! :)