1 year ago

Regarding my Kitty Fazcat character and her future

(I was given permission by @Malrat_ to post in these channels to help reach out the word to everyone)

Seeing how I don't use Gamejolt as much, I forgot to post here about the decision I made for the character and why I did it.

No Longer Associating Kitty FazCat with The Return To Freddy's

That's right, Kitty has no association with TRTF anymore, meaning any official games including her character are from here on non-official/retconned, I already know the community may be split on this decision but please respect the path I've taken as in the end this is still my character that I made in the first place and I wish to do the best for her, she wasn't even supposed to be in the series in the first place funnily enough.

If you would like to include Kitty in your fangame (preferably not TRTF related) then feel free to reach out to me through Gamejolt comments, Twitter or possibly even my Discord server

Why I'm no longer associating Kitty with TRTF

Of course behind every decision there is a reason, and my reason to why I wish to take this path for my character is because of the past I've had conflicting around the series and its history. Most of you may know I used to be associated with the creator of TRTF before drama related things occurred between us and tried to paint me in a bad image, spreading misinformation and twisting words. My connection with the creator of TRTF is not pleasant, and I haven't wanted to associate myself with the series and even some of the community because of the undeserved backlash I received from those who didn't even know fully what was going on to cause said drama in the first place.

The Kitty FazCat character herself/myself

Obviously I still wish to keep Kitty's character going as a side thing from my main known alias now, which I am now known as Project Suki. Kitty has obviously been a big part of my life and did help me meet new and amazing people along the way through my time in the community and don't exactly want to abandon her. Now I've given her a new glamrock looking design with the help from @Malrat_ and giving her a new path for her future with the things I can do with the character other than just being part of TRTF, I wish for her to be her own thing.

I already know not everyone is going to respect my decision of what I'm doing with the character, and all I can just say out of all honesty is you'll just have to live with it. It's still my character that I made, designed and named, and others shouldn't be ones to decide what to do for others characters which is unfair. And if you do see anyone using my character without permission, all I can politely ask is to just remind them about this post and my decision.

I hope you all understand!

How did Kitty get added in the first place?

So to go into a little bit of insight when I said Kitty wasn't meant to be in the series in the first place, it only started out by asking Tyler to 3D model my character, but I never asked him to include it in the games. He just...did, I guess. I was surprised at first sure, and I was happy about it. But if things didn't go the way they did over the years, I really wouldn't have minded. But my experience with Tyler and that half of the community has almost left a scar with me, a past I don't really like to be reminded about, especially with my own character.



Next up

To those who remember the ghost child, her name is Leala.


Absolutely love these two with all my heart!!! :') <3 Made by: @Malrat_

So as you may know, the Five Nights at Freddy's 2 Movie now has a poster, and someone released a funny template to add our own characters, so here's some silly edits

Hey PNM.. looks like your heads not in the game.. Mind if I take ya out for a spin?! Made by: @Malrat_ <3

A Wild Hamburglar has appeared at a local McDonald's! Happy 50th McDonald's

It's that TIME AGAIN

Successful landing


What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram https://www.instagram.com/rojhonbb/