Five Nights at Wario's: AREA 51 EDITION (Non-Profit)
3 years ago

Regarding this game's 2.0 update which is soon to come: (Please Read)

Alright so this game's 2.0 update will just be graphical touches regarding some room images, Changes to the SFX of the game, and changes in enemy positions.

About the main graphical touches (Room images): The rooms that will be changed are the hallway, the room in cam 10, cam 7 and the server room.

Enemy positions: The enemy positions in this game are gonna be a mix of using the normal sprites that I've made a long with some Brawl box poses done by @iatemychair (Go follow broken mind while you're at it lmao). Mostly to make the game feel nicer and so that people don't say I got lazy with the game.

About the SFX: Some sounds in the game will be redone for the 2.0 update to make the game feel more appealing and so that I'm satisfied that the game feels like its finished rather than just using some sounds that I left intact from the Factory from hell copy I remixed (which is another Twisted Factory remix made by @Wario851 ).

As for phone calls? definitely gonna replace the VA for E. Gadd (Cuz the current VA for E. Gadd got into controversy regarding some stuff I will not talk about in this post). if you wanna audition for the role of the VA for E. Gadd join the discord server of the game which is in the pinned post for the game page. I will also reformat the script for the Night 2 and Night 4 phonecalls mostly cuz if y'all saw the original script IT LOOKS CRINGEY AS FUCK OMG HOLY SHIT.

Yeah needless to say, there's a decent amount to do before I can call the 2.0 update finished and on the game page for y'all to play. Ciao! ^w^

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Next up

Did some more TRTF sprites, this time some in the style of TRTF 5 (Bonnie is probs the only one with the least amount of changes lmao)

Happy MAR10 Day, Didn't have time to make anything special so just have custom sprites I've Done.

MAKE WAY FOR KING BOWSER! or at least what remains of him lol (ROTV Deluxe is not cannon to the main ROTV storyline)

Another Small Update

Gave Cryo-Waluigi the same treatment lol

We're getting a lot of progress done with FNFN, so here's one of the new things we've finished up!

also here's Shroob Demon Wario's Model for the game. The others' models are in development. Next 2 characters that are gonna receive models are Shroob Waluigi and Shroob Ashley. and probably Dark Bowser

and I see this as a massive step forward in the right direction

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Deluxe Oil test