2 years ago

REGLITCHED Progress Devlog: Mid/Late August 2023

Hello everyone! I’m so happy to see so many people just as excited about this game as much as I am developing it. Every day, I’m so excited to program new mechanics and balancing into the game that I’m sure everyone will enjoy playing it on the keyboard (no matter the size except for 60% sizes) and Xbox Controller users. I’ll get down to the new stuff I’ve done so far.

Short Synopsis:

  • New mechanics added to the fighting (Perfect Timing Attacks and Critical Hits)

  • New effects added in the fighting scene (Explosions and hit effects)

  • Victory Screen is currently being worked on

  • Progress on the Flipside (Freddy's animations)

  • New Music!

  • 2 New Composers, @Matson and @MisterMasterBlack (his Twitter); 1 New Animator, @MrClay1983 (Preferably check him on Twitter or YouTube)

  • Now looking for an Environmental Concept Artist and a Character Modeler

Long Synopsis:

I’ve been super excited to show this progress for a while now because it’s been super addicting and fun to play on both my keyboard only and controller. More notably, the perfect timing attacks make the game so much more fun in my eyes because of the interaction from player to the game. When you press A, Enter, or Mouse 1 in the game while the animation reaches these specific colors:

= Ok!

= Good!

= Perfect!

The damage will multiply depending on what ranking you get, but if you miss, you’ll do significantly less damage, making your perfect timing vital to the sequences. Let's not forget the critical hits in the game because that happens with a 1-30 chance of happening. If you do happen to get a critical, no matter the missed timing, your attack will double! So if you’re dealing 15 damage on perfect, the critical will do 30 damage! You’ll know when it’s a critical hit when the damage shows a bigger size flashing orange.

Of course, we need new effects as well! Using influence from FNaF World’s hit effect (using keyboard symbols [i.e #, $, %, etc.]) and stars, it’ll be completely random whether you get stars as the hit effect OR keyboard symbols as the hit effect! Not to mention that with it comes EXPLOSIONS! Gone are the days of the red X on your screen; say hello to the explosion effect that kills off the enemies once and for all.

Then, the Victory Screen will be slightly different from the original FNaF World. When the fight ends, the teammates will still earn the same EXP as another. However, as a quality of life improvement, it was better to have both teams show up at the end so that both teams, with each team member getting their own EXP! That way, the player doesn’t have to continuously get into fights grinding each character to higher and higher levels.

I also wanted to share the very bit of small progress I made regarding the flipside layers as I made/finished a small little sprite of Freddy in the flipside layer 1 (Btw, we aren’t doing this with every character [kinda a spoiler for something in the future I want to do]). Look at the little guy, though! He is also fully animated, but I just wanted to share the little guy with everyone!


Now, here’s Lolbit, sporting a new design! Its design is different from the OG because 1. It’ll be important for their character, and 2. It provides much more uniqueness than just being a standard adventure character. They’ll be sure to make more of an appearance in the later parts of development, but having the character done now means I can model more, and more progress can be made in the Overworld.


Next, I wanted everyone to welcome some new team members that have joined us this month! Our 2 Composers, @Matson (who will be composing the Overworld and Dialogue music) and @MisterMasterBlack (who will be composing the Fight music and any additional stuff). In addition, @ChipFunni is composing for the flipside layer tracks as well (you can listen to the few tracks on the game page right now)! We also have a new animator on the team, @MrClay1983 (who will be working on Overworld and Dialogue animations). I am so glad to have this many people helping out with the project, but we need a few more people to help!

We're looking for these two types of artists:

  • Environmental Artist

  • 3D Character Modeler

If you specialize in any one of these fields, you can shout at me on my GameJolt page or:

  • My Twitter DMs

  • My Discord tag ( luckyrobolad )

If all else fails here's my business email as a last resort option (it's supposed to be super silly)

[email protected]


As college starts up for me and a few others as well, I'm hoping that more progress will happen sooner or later, especially with the fights. Once we finish the twists of the enemy attacks, it'll absolutely be smooth sailing and can have more enemies done as well. But as of now, this is what I'm hoping for next devlog:

  • Enemy Attacks Added (mainly effects atm)

  • Blocking/Parry moves

  • Overworld buildings (+ more)

  • Enemy encounters in the overworld (which also means finishing the Victory code as well with earning exp)

That's all for now, have a great day!



Next up

REGLITCHED Short Progress Devlog: Early March 2024

(I loaded a save file in this recording, that's why I started in the grass)

Wanted to annonce that the next devlog will be in the middle of May, so be sure to keep an eye on that! In the meantime, here's a screenshot of what Mendo's Endos looks like right now.

REGLITCHED Short Progress Devlog: Late January 2024 (Happy Birthday FNaF World!)


Currently WIP of the Tycoon Section UI so far (View Mode not worked on yet).

Biggest thing that needed improvement was having the user actually use other draw options and have better ways to find all the items, decor, and animatronics in one mode.

Rat Race Production Update

1987 Followers! We're having a QnA!

Ask Questions here, I'll answer them! (Sad news is that there will be no October 2023 Devlog).

I've finally finished up redoing the main Night (Tower Def.) UI, as a lot of people had problems reading things wrong or didn't understand the generators.


Happy 10th Anniversary of TRTF2!

REGLITCHED Very Short Progress Devlog: Mid May 2024 + Programming Break/Update