Feast your eyes on this new Friendship Club release. We’ve added a new game mode in this version called TURBO BULLETS. These fancy new bullets are bullets that get BIGGER and FASTER when they are caught and refired. They’re harder to catch, but the reward outweighs the risk… it looks and feels AWESOME when one of these knocks your opponent’s head off.
Turbo Bullets in action!
We’ve also implemented the first ‘catch the leader’ modifier, prospectively called FINGER OF GOD. The first player to die gets to become the finger of Timmy (or is it Timmy, who knows?), which has the ability to squish the other players still in the play space. The finger can never win the round, but it can affect the outcome.
Tom playing with the Finger Of God in the Spine editor.
Can you guess what these icons are for? (You can’t even see them on a white background… dang.)
Whoops. What is Chud falling in to?
A bullet passes by really close…
A bullet passes by really close…
Aw shucks, that’s all there is for this release. Let us know what you think in the comments, on Twitter or on Facebook. Until next time, have fun!
- Ashley
Full changelog:
17th November - 28th November
New Features:
Turbo Bullets mode.
Finger Of God!
Bug Fixes:
Fixed bug where Nana Ricketts killing characters could crash the game.
Relaxed Play modifier.
Timelord modifier.
Square wave / turn based play modifier.
Added statistics behind the scenes in the game code.
Modified character select UI/UX a bit so you can back out of it by pressing B.
Added “bullets always bounce on walls” modifier. (It’s not so fun so may take it out)!
Working on new general menu screen.
Added icons to the Advanced Modifiers screen.
Implemented a whole bunch of animations, below:
Finger Of God in various colours.
Crypt lava pits.
Crypt floor tiles.
A tonne of icons for the Advanced Modifiers screen.
Near Miss Bullet (front) character animation.
Near Miss Bullet (back) character animation.
Falling into pits character animation.
Respawn character animation.
“Ready” character animation for character select.
“Ready (double deffos)” character animation for character select.
“Ready (double deffos, bam bam bam)” character animation for character select.
Finger Of God idle animation. It’s wobbly!
Finger Of God squish animation, using Inverse Kinematics.
Rug rollup animation for Timmy’s Bedroom is now done in Spine (instead of AfterEffects).
Sampled and indexed a bunch of old records. We’re up to like 600 samples now.
Misc / Completely Unrelated:
Toast Time released on Linux.
Toast Time update pushed out for Android. Fixes Lollipop slow-motion bug.
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