Judging by how much we have done, and how much there is left to do, and the amount of time it’s taken us to do that work, we now have an accurate estimated time of release for the game. The game was originally supposed to come out summer of this year, but that was the result of us overestimating ourselves, and as a result, the game was delayed, for that we apologize.
Winter 2015 - Early 2016
Given the factors listed above the game is most likely to be done by this time. (Or maybe sooner if we manage to speed up development somehow.)
EDIT: We’re not guranteeing anything This is just a pure guess.
We hope you’re looking forward to the games completion as much as we are.
The game has also went through alot of graphical overhauls, and feature revisions. As a result, the screenshots and trailer on the page of the game will be deleted, and replaced with the most recent info as soon as we can do so.
That’s all for now.