Direct Link to the server, if you dont wanna read stuff:
So... Three weeks have passed since i've stated that production in the game restarted. During this time, I took the opportunitty to remake and refine the game's design document. Needless to say, if the guys at repair didnt manage to salvage my Hard drive during ONE WHOLE MONTH, they are probably just goofing off. Because of this, I already began rebuilding assets for the game, including models, locations and other stuff. Also, needless to say, the teasers on the main page will be redone as these new assets get ready to be shown to the public.
I'm also making a new Discord server! (With proper bot implementation this time!) Just like the last one, it serves as a place to get exclusive news firsthand, talk about various topics, and just a nice place to hang out with random internet people. Link:
During the next few days, I will be announcing the new designs for the old 1000RaS cast one by one with Gamejolt posts. Don't forget to stay tuned!
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