Relic Guardians: Complete

5 years ago

Remember guys, this friday we'll have something special for everyone who was wondering about the story of these characters.

Something big...



Next up

I've decided to change the direction of my next game. Like a 180°. But that's game development for you.

And I'm really proud of it!

(All the images here are placeholders, this is very early)

New update for my Beyblade inspired game, Gyro Gear!

Read the article below to see the changelog \/

Another update for my game, Gyro Gear, a platform fighter inspired by Beyblade!

This is the new main menu. It'll be the central hub for all the modes available, including the new Options and Profiles menus.

"Little girls do what they want" // "Garotinhas fazem o que quiserem" #pixelart #indiegame #anime

Since I'm working on a complete reboot for the Relic Guardians series, I've decided something: Relic Guardians: Complete Edition is now FREE of charge! So go get it!

See you when the new game is out.

And thank you for your support!

Halloween sale! Relic Guardians: Complete Edition is 80% off until the end of the month!!

I present to you: the Fire Totem!

This will be the first totem you get on my upcoming game. It evolves like Digimon/Pokémon from the bottom to the top.

I'm working on a new project!

It'll be on the same engine/framework I did for Digimon: Digital Heroes. That means an action platformer focused on transformations. But now with a new and original material.

Memories of the first time Wizz and Shakal came home // Memórias da primeira vez que Wizz e Shakal vieram para casa #anime #flashback #pixelart

Twisted Death // Morte Torpe #pixelart #anime #gamedev