Boring Man - Online Tactical Stickman Combat
7 years ago

Rewrite Survey

Hey folks,

It turns out this game’s popularity is lasting a lot longer then I anticipated, and I’ve been feeling irresponsible in neglecting it. So I’d like to return to updating this game when I think Tunnel Divers is complete, which will be sometime this summer.

However, what I have in mind is rewriting the game, from scratch. This is pretty much the only way to get me to update the game again. When I first started developing, it was just something to do with my free time and I had no idea anyone was gonna play it, so a lot of the code is messy and frustrating, which was a large contributor as to why I wanted to stop updating it.

This is a chance for the community to take part in development instead of just me and a few friends, and to reshape the game’s original design with it’s fans providing valuable feedback for me.

If I do rewrite the game, there will be problems though:

  • The game would not come out the same. I’d recycle a lot of assets but the movement and guns would feel different, some bugs you use in your play style may no longer be there, etc. I’d try my best to make it as accurate to the original as I can, but it’s going to feel different no matter what. I’d also remove some features I don’t like, such as useless mutators nobody really plays with.

  • Global save wipe, new code means a new save file format probably. I’d also add cloud saving support, and locally saved files wouldn’t transition well for that.

  • New technical issues, if the game is working perfectly for you now, I can’t guarantee it’ll work perfectly for you when it’s rewritten.

  • I’d have to shut down the current version, at the very most allow that version to be played on a separate branch with only the server list running. I can’t support many multiplayer games by myself, so my goal with the rewrite is to make it so much better that not many will miss the old version.

  • To make it feel more financially viable, I’ve decided I would add a second DLC. What that DLC would be, I’m not sure yet. The Premium DLC existing now would still work for the rewrite with all the existing features, obviously.

I could write a novel about the improvements the game would receive because of a rewrite, but I want you to focus on the things that might upset you for now. It may be exciting to hear the game is being updated again, but as a gamer myself I’ve noticed games that receive makeovers usually get an angry response from dedicated players and I want the community to be aware that I’m paranoid of that, but can’t guarantee you’ll be 100% pleased with the outcome.

My plan would be to keep the rewrite build in another Steam branch, which would receive updates normally as if it were an Early Access game. The original version would remain in the main download, and continue on as it always has been. The build would only be accessible if you own Premium, up until it goes to replace the current version and becomes free to play. This would help keep quality feedback, as Premium owners usually have more care for B-Man then the average F2P steam user. And an increase in sales for the game, maybe. Once the rewrite is completed, it would replace the original version as an “update” and the old version can be placed into it’s own branch for historic/accuracy purposes.

For those wondering why I won’t make it a sequel, I already mentioned how I can’t support too many multiplayer games by myself, with limited funding. On top of that, this version of B-Man is the game receiving any attention at all. A sequel would require a new store page, a new title, a new everything. For example, Markiplier’s video links to this game’s store page. So If I shut down this game to make room for a sequel, Markiplier’s fans would come to a dead store page, and the average person’s attention span these days wouldn’t last long enough to notice a sequel was made, and it could be a death sentence for the B-Man community in general. I’m not a big and famous developer, so I have to be very careful that I don’t castrate the word-of-mouth advertising B-Man has graciously received.

So with that all being said, I can’t say I’ve decided I want to do this just yet, but your opinion may help. Please click the strawpoll below and vote either yes or no for the rewrite.

When I feel like I’ve made my decision, I will make another post and explain some of the big improvements I’d have planned if I’m going with it. Thanks for reading.

GameJolt note: You need Steam to own the Premium DLC, so GameJolt exclusive players would not have access to the rewrite’s beta build without Steam/Premium.

  • S



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