1 year ago

Robo's Foxhouse Employee Hirement Read article

Robo's Foxhouse will be Hiring Employees to work at Robo777IsFox Studios on the 5th February 2024 3:00PM

you will get a paycheck every month depending what job to do. You will have to Provide sounds Images and Import them to the Game all tho We cant give access to the game but instead email it to us! Once the time will pass let us know if you would like to apply in the Comments and we will select you to subscribe as a employee. You might be asked for some details not Personal but some!



Next up

Hey everyone Robo's Foxhouse Burnt to hell devlopment is paused for now due to stressful coding on it but we are working on our other game Foxy's Funplace Diner (The Forgotten history!)


Hey guys Do you want to share your Scratch projects or Turbowarp projects converted into HTML Files?

Then Join the HTML Scratch Projects group right here!


Please read article!


Its Going good!

Rat Race Production Update

Chapter 1 The accident

Yo everyone what settings do you want us to add to our new game?

This is what Mobile controls will look like on Robo's foxhouse Burnt to hell!