Hey yall, I know I'm a bit late for my usual schedule, but don't worry, since I'm coming back with funny bird w/t bone knife hands.
again, just like the other two Rotten characters I've shown, Rotten Bird is a continuation of Forsaken Bird from Pinky's 3, again also with some pretty big edits, thought not as much as Rotten Boy.
minus the general updating of the "metal/paint decay" that put on all my models, Rotten birds face did go thought a lot of changes, with my favorite being his little jaw and clumps of wires attaching to the face that just add that little bit of extra detail.
of course, I can't ignore the literal rib knifes that he has for hands. That's the most interesting part of the design imo, and I'll probably make it lore significant somehow ;)
well, that's all I got for y'all, thanks for reading and see ya next time.
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