Rotten Remains (Game Jam Build)
1 year ago

Rotten Remains Devlog 1

So I decided up devlogs for Rotten Remains. I'll go ahead and begin posting these on both my YouTube Community tab and GameJolt page. I'm not sure how often I'll post but I'm aiming for every 2 weeks to a month. In regards to this specific post though, I'll be covering everything I've gotten done in the past week.

On Sunday I made a few mockup sketches and designs for different UI stuff like the title screen and inventory screen (Shared a picture of that earlier this week on YouTube.)


By Wednesday I finished composing music/ambiance for the title screen (Which also happens to be the first time I've done anything remotely related to music on my own), afterwards I tried making some finalized art for the title screen but it didn't look good in the slightest so I scrapped the idea I had there.

On Thursday I mostly focused on redesigning the title screen and got out a rough idea that I liked. I then made some interactive buttons that enlarged whenever the user scrolls over them (Just some simple tweening to make the game feel a bit more polished).

That leads us to today in which I got some pretty important mechanics finished. First I went ahead and made the inventory screen along with the ability to scroll through the different items that the player will collect. I stole some code from that mechanic to create a global variable that holds the information on the players health and got it to display on the inventory screen. I also fixed some visual bug where the fog sprites I had on the screen kept clipping into each other, luckily that's all resolved now.

So that finishes off this devlog. In terms of goals I'm looking to finish soon, I'm hoping to get the map up and running here soon so I can cross off another major mechanic, after that I'll just need to work on storing items in the players inventory which shouldn't be too much of a hassle. I'm also focusing on getting some more finalized visuals such as building sprites and other random objects finished so I can get the game not only in a fully functional state but also have it look visually pleasing. Anyways, that's all I have for now, thanks for reading.




Next up

Filming starts Autumn, 1954

Rotten Remains Dev Log 3

Here's a better look at what the finalized environments will look like, there might be some edits here and there but I think I'm happy with how the lighting looks in this picture

Finally got some actual gameplay to show

Rotten Remains Update

Some environment art

Rotten Remains Dev Log 2 (Repost because I forgot to upload it on the game page)

New Game Page