Rotten Remains (Game Jam Build)

1 year ago

Rotten Remains Update

So I haven't really posted a proper update on the state of the game for about 2 months now, now that I've got some visuals to show off rather than just telling you guy's what's happening through words I'm about ready to reveal some stuff about the upcoming expansion.

First things first, I want to go over my previous updates. I stated that I would recreate the original Game Jam build with new visuals, an updated map, controller support and randomly spawning collectables. Since then though, this "update" has grown so much that I believe it warrants it's own separate release.

In the current state that the now brand new game is in, the map has expanded even more. Rather than being inside a supermarket for the whole runtime, you get to explore the outside town and the other buildings and locations that inhabit it. The supermarket will still be in the game but it will not be focused on as much, imagine if the entire town that the game takes place in as an amusement park and the supermarket as a singular ride inside.

There will also be new enemies, a total of 4 you encounter. Each enemy is secluded in it's own section and environment that you have to go through. You can get a good look at them in the image I attached to this post.

The last bit of info I'm going to share is of the games atmosphere, one thing the original Game Jam build was praised for was it's atmosphere. To be completely honest I didn't really think it was to great but I'm glad people enjoyed it. To improve upon the atmosphere, I'm going to take colors and elements from the original game and rework them in a way that's more flashed out and polished, I'm hoping to create a style similar to the likes of Silent Hill. (You can get a good idea of the style I'm going for based on the image I attached above)

That's about all I've got for this update, hopefully I can polish up in game visuals so I can give you guys a look into what the final product will look like and get a public game page up. In the meantime, I'm thinking of going back to the original Game Jam build and finishing up the original update, (excluding new visuals since those take a while to create). I guess I'll just have to see if that's something I'd actually want to pick back up and work on again.




Next up

Rotten Remains Dev Log 3

Currently doing a live Dev Stream for Rotten Remains, feel free to join and ask questions!

Rotten Remains Dev Log 2 (Repost because I forgot to upload it on the game page)

Here's a better look at what the finalized environments will look like, there might be some edits here and there but I think I'm happy with how the lighting looks in this picture

New Game Page

Some environment art

Rotten Remains Devlog 1

Rotten Remains map comparison (Old: Left, New: Right)

Rotten Remains Update 2 Progress:

Updated Creature Design

New Map (Unfinished)