Heya guys and gals, dudes and dudettes, lt's SuperButters64 here! As you may or may not know, RBFF is rising from the dead like a Phoenix! It's been about 8 months since any real progress has been made, which is quite the shame. Factors causing that were...
1) Monitor's cord was broke in a flood, and I didn't get around to ordering a new one until recently (whoops!), and then I realized I can just connect it to my TV with an hdmi cable...eheheheh.....
2) I wasn't very satisfied with the game itself. I was using somebody elses engine for the most part, Orange's advanced UT engine. However, I do not think that engine is the most efficient, although it's still pretty darn good! I mostly came up with stuff as I went, which resulted in the experience being pretty low-quality if I am to be honest. This lack of quality kind of made me demotivated.
3) Problems in my IRL life made me not want to work on the game, sadly.
However, all those troubles SHOULD be over, so now it's officially time to get back to RBFF!
Well...not RBFF, that name kind of stinks! I'm kind of thinking a name like

would fit better, right?'
Note: this logo does not look very good and will be updated later lollll, but it gets the general point across, expect anything remotely final to look way better lollll
Though, this name doesn't include Royal Bones, or anything to do with Undertale! What gives?!
Well, RBFF...or Reborn To Dust, will no longer be Undertale related! Granted, the game will still be heavily INSPIRED by Undertale. As of now, the RtD engine is being made. Here's a WIP battle screen!

The RtD engine is not going to be JUST for RtD/RBFF, it'll be a general RPG engine! It'll be private, but it'll end up allowing me to save Dev-Time making RPG games, as it's gonna be pretty extensive. As a result, you might see a few games made with the engine before RtD gets real into production. When the time is ready, I'll probably open up a poll for what you guys would like to see out of a small RPG made with the engine as testing it.
So, what's changing with the rebrand?
For starters, no character from Undertale will make an appearance. Sure, REFERENCES to UT's characters might show up, but there will not be any Flowey, Sans, Papyrus, or anybody else. However, the characters with important roles already in RBFF (Flowey, Alphys, Sans) will be replaced with new, original characters that fulfill the same purpose.
Why am I changing it?
I don't want to spend years on just a fangame...it's too many resources to put into something that won't benefit me, especially as a solo dev. I really commend the Undertale fangame teams still going on, such as Team Switched, True Geno, UTTO, and the UTY teams, but I think I'm out!
So is this where Royal Bones ends?
Nope! At least...I don't think so! I would like to get a working version of Royal Bones:Faded Failure out to play, only being about the first half of chapter 1. Basically, what I already have complete, but without the bugs! I don't think it's very GOOD, but I should at least release that for you guys as the least I can do. I can't give an estimated time of release on this, but I'd like for it to happen fairly soon!
By the by, I am currently working on a game in the 123 Slaughter Me Street series!
Not flexing or anything LOL, just telling you guys since it'll slow down progress for a bit, as I'm busy spriting the game and other tasks related, so I'll be on that for another month or two!
Closing Remarks
A big 'Thank You!' to everybody whos been following Royal Bones for the past few years! I know that it's been a while since we've started this ride, but we're only at just the beginning! I hope to update you guys on progress more frequently, since we're going back to just about square 1, there should be more rapid progress to show.
Oh and todays QOTD!
How do you feel about the removal of Undertale stuff in the game?