From Belgrade With Love,
Runick won the Best Casual Game award at IT Konekt!

IT Konekt
Past 2 weekends were quite busy, Black Trumpet Games participated at IT Konekt in Belgrade and had a blast doing it. There was a special section for indies called Game Space where a lot of talented teams from around the region showcased their indie gems. BTG showed off Runick and Getaway Garden side by side and got quite some traction and feedback.

Reboot Develop
Right after IT Konekt we went on another event in Dubrovnik called Reboot Develop. This conference defines what business with pleasure means! In addition to showing our dynamic duo (Runick and Getaway Garden) we participated in lectures from veterans in game development from all over the world. It was extremely educational and we learned from the best.

We are delighted to see so much people enjoying our games to the point that we had to bring even more chairs on both conferences so that we could accommodate everyone who was interested. It was all boards on deck and all play stations occupied!
Now after a short rest from the conferences we are ready to return back to development.
I’m starting to like the process of blogging and sharing the “glamorous” gamedev life behind our games. So expect more blogs coming soon (yes I know I promised the Level Design blog of Runick and I haven’t forgotten it’s still in development :D). But if your interested in reading more about level design right now, check out Filips blog about Getaway Garden here:
How to design a puzzle level - Getaway Garden