The fun continues here with the Exalted Guy team. We’ve just implemented the scoreboard and player names for the arena gameplay. We’re getting close to where we can start having larger test sessions.

The most recent major feature improvements include: Keyboard, Team balancing on lobby join, Deathmatch time limits, Player Name Tags, Scoreboards, spawn shielding, and new gun audio.

You can see in the two images the active spawn shielding along with a demo version of the scoreboard, name tag, and keyboard. You may notice that we used quite a few W’s in the testing of our scoreboard. This was done to insure that there is enough space to fit the 12 character names. Since ‘W’ is the widest of the allowed characters it makes sense to use it in our test.
We have also tackled many known issues with the latest builds and we are working to eliminate even more bugs that have cropped up. We will be running a large test of the current build tomorrow and if all goes well we will be preparing for one of the last alpha tests the following weekend.