Scratch and Friends: Remixed

22 days ago

Scratch and Friends 3rd anniversary!

On December 20th I'll premiere 2 trailers

-One for Scratch and Friends Remixed update 2

-The other is the trailer for Scratch and Friends: Dread

See you all then!

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Next up

Scratch and Friends: D _ _ a d

Scratch and Friends: Remixed The Endless Update

Out now on all platforms!

Changelog below

Soundtrack is out now on Youtube

Scratch and Friends: _ _ _ a _


Final devlog + Release date

Can't say much since it's not the third anniversary yet, but V1.2 will have quite a bit of cat related stuff! See you all on the 20th

As promised here's a leak for the next saf game

Also this is all you guys are getting until the game is announced

About to have a great weekend