Remember the project that I was talking about back at June, namely Devlog #133? Yeah, this one's coming with a vengeance. ...Okay well not really, but it sounds cool when you write it like that. I swear, what's up with me making projects, but then I make another project, and once I make more progress in that project, I'm encouraged more to do THIS project more but disencouraged to do more of the other project? Now, what the hell is this "JA4" project anyway?
What if I told you that it's getting the same spirit from the old Jonathan's Adventure game (IE Jonathan's Adventure MV or in the most inappropriate name, Jonathan's Adventure: Classic.)? What is that spirit? Well, new experimental stuff, but this time, it works in a different way. Now, I've gotten the presentation of the game's GameJolt page down, which is great, BUT it's missing stuff at the moment to make it complete, like for example, screenshots and videos for the game, and also the credits section, which to this day, it's not finished yet. And neither is the game.
Back to JAMV's demo, this is gonna be a LONG day for programming the Level-Up theme and also reprogramming every event so that there's no more redundant code so it's on par with what I've made in terms of eventing. Sure, it sounds like not preserving the original game, but why play a game that's poorly optimized? Speaking of preserving, I don't know why was the DENIS password removed in the game, so I reimplemented it in. I'm not sure if this was something Jane wrote first or I wrote it, but in spirit of it, why not make it a special password because everytime you put the password in, it goes for a random cutscene that's programmed for that password? And also address the fact that the phone guy in the Shopping Street is your hints guy.
See ya in the next Sunday.