Okay, we got sprites today. Here's a fresh dose of shit from Adam's MISAdventures.
Yes. This game contains fatties. Only five actually, I don't know if either Maria and Samantha count, because they're both to related to Enaz (Maria being Enaz's mom and Samantha being Enaz's child with some of her genes, but she mainly takes from her dad's genes.). Why? Because this is based on the roleplays. So left to right, you got Adam, Zane, Sharinkalucion, and Subatorune. Both Sharinkalucion and Subatorune are not necessarily anthro, because they're both animals that Natty made. And yes, Subatorune is meant to be THAT TALL. So they're basically beach bodies that Sharinkalucion made because she's the one who's able to do this kind of witchcraft. I should note that they're meant to be at least drawn to scale, since Subatorune is (So far, I haven't gotten to the cast finished yet.) 9'0", meanwhile Sharinkalucion is measly 5'0", which so far means she's the 2nd shortest character in the game, which is like saying you're taller than a wimpy green rabbit unicorn who's literally a dwarf that's 3'11" tall, yet somehow gets a sandwich that happens to be the son of the title character.
Now, this game is gonna contain more things to do and one of them is Zanemon Cards. If you play Pokemon before, you know where the hell is this is going, because Zanemon cards are just flat-out ripoffs of the Pokemon card game made by Zane, a woman who makes these cards... out of index cards and color pencils. Now, the cards don't have a purpose in the game, because simply put; nobody wants to play Zanemon because if the most powerful card in the game includes the author's ASS, with the most broken moves in the world, plus that the cards are clearly based on real people (As in within the game.) that Zane doesn't even bother asking permission to use their likeness. Of course, like Pokemon, you can collect these cards by various means, except unlike Pokemon, you don't trade these cards because there's no real reason why should anyone have these cards except maybe make fun of how low effort the cards are. For the 7 Party members you can get, assuming that you're not playing on the REAL MAN difficulty, you can simply gain their cards by having them join your party or just flat out asking if you ARE on the REAL MAN difficulty.
Now, for the difficulties, the game will simply just ask if you want to play in a "piece of cake" difficulty, a normal difficulty, or a "real man" difficulty. The "piece of cake" difficulty just does is lock achievements out (If we plan to.) and lower enemy stats, while the normal and "real man" difficulty are just the same thing, it's just that the "real man" difficulty just forbids you to have multiple party members. Because, according to Zane, real men don't need others to help him to do MANLY tasks like getting the milk, mowing the lawn, or rescuing a lost kitten, as much as these tasks are not that remotely are stereotypical masculine. The "real man" difficulty is just extra-bragging rights, because why would you ever try to impress an abuser who arguably doesn't care about you?
Do I even need to say anything? I don't got anything for a Tomodachi Life segment, so might as well skip it.
That's all for this devlog.
The waywardness under His name.