Sally.exe: Whisper Of Soul Remake (Unofficial, Cancelled)
4 days ago

Send off to Whisper Of Soul Remake and some final questions answered

I'm glad that a lot of people are understanding and are supporting me to drop WoSR and move on. In case you haven't seen the cancellation video, click here. I do want to mention some stuff (despite me already mentioning it in the plans video).

Q: Can I/someone else complete WoSR

A: No, I'm not giving you WoSR. I have pretty much left the community due to the extreme toxic behaviour and I have only a small friend group that I would pass it on to but they have either no interest or want to move on to something else. I'm also a person who wants something done his way and when you get more people on a project the direction can shift a lot. I've been going back through the dev channel and I realise that I'm a very solo dev. I'm not really great with working with other coders/writers. I don't think I was too mean/toxic. I asked the old developers (Nick Zach, Reckless Ninja, GrapeTF and Danik) about my behaviour towards them whilst they were working for me and none of them said I was toxic, just not the best.

Q: Is WoSR being continued?

A: This comes from the plans video which I mentioned earlier, no, WoSR is not being continued, that video was just to tell you all the plans that would be in game if the game didn't get cancelled.

Q: Don't have too many projects at once/He got burned out on the project.

A: Not really a question but I've seen this around YouTube comments in WoSR Videos and maybe some here on GameJolt. I did not get burned out on the project, I could work on it until it got finished but I want to move on from fangames, go into my own games and universe and move away from Clickteam Fusion 2.5.

Thank you all, I know I said this already but thank you all. For all the support for me to move on. Well... what's next? The next thing that will come out is DVloper Ultimate Custom Night Version 1.3 which has moved to Unity so that I can make the game better and also an excuse to learn how Unity works. It will also be my last fangame. What's afterwards? I don't want to spoil too much but there have already teased who might be coming from my universe...

To wrap this post up, I'd like to hear what are your thoughts on WoSR. Anyways that's all I have to say, thank you all! also stop following this game page



Next up

I also need a new Bunnie VA. Same stuff from Amy applies. The VA just vanished off the interent. That's all. I don't know where she is but she's not here.

The game has a Twitter Account now:

this tag sucks. anyways im gonna promote the twitter:

I need to a new Amy Voice Actor!

A comparison of the original and the Remake's visuals!

(I left a little voice acting in there too! And a teaser or two)

The "Limp City" Dev-log

Holy shit 500 followers on GameJolt!!!!! And some news I guess

We are now on Bluesky because Twitter has wisdom of a toddler