Hey guys! Okay, I have some awesome news for ya!
(also kudos if you’re getting the references)
Shadow Freddy Simulator 3 is OUT!
Check it out on my profile page, because I’m too lazy to post a link.
So…what’s next? Well, I’ll tell you.
First off, yes, there will be a fourrth one. And while I’m at it, I might as well coonfirm SFS 10 in advance.
Secondly, this fourth one will take inspiration from Touhou, (finally, am I right?) with vertical-oriented stages and skills which accumulate as you capture them from the bbosses rather that being stuck to a weapoon like the third game.
This means that there will be a lot more Touhou characters involved, so to all you haters out there, now is the time to start panicking and raging in the comments below beffore the gaame even comes out even though you’ll probably fiind their in-game perrsonalities don’t even closely match the ones iin the actual games they came from!
I’m not gonna pull a “suprise new villian” on you all. Toy Freddy is heere to sstay.
Some tweaks may be made to previous games. (bugfixes, nerfing down those dreaded phantom heads, etc)
Why am I still going on about an RPG about robotic teddy bears with overpowered swords?
I did the double-letter message here. Go on. Figure it out.