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Unreal Engine Community: No Simple Developer, you can't just code stuff in the engine and not make it look clean and neat! Me (Simple Developer): Haha spaghetti code go BRRRRRR!!!!!!!!
Power of the Saber Blade by DragonForce
Was close to beating this one.
Here is Withered Vintage Bonnie, the base model is from @Battington & @TheMediocreMakers
Hope you all enjoy!
Withered Vintage Freddy will be revealed tomorrow
Just got tagged by @GarryGabbage & I have to repost lol, anyways, sorry i forgot to mention but, imma be taking a long break in bed resting & eating, long story short, i went to a gym with one of my friends & now my triceps & chest are really sore.
Rat Race Production Update
VHS Tape number 4
Check the article for credits
This is Withered Vintage Foxy, now all the withered vintage animatronics have been revealed. Also made a poll a while ago and have made my decision, I will make 2 total trailers, Read the Article.
Vintage Foxy model by @Battington & @TheMediocreMakers
VHS Tape number 5
Warning: this can be viewed as quite disturbing, this contains horrific imagery, horror elements, and death. Viewer discretion is advised!
Check the article for credits