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@Randomguyed is the coolest (he did some idle animations that are leagues better) Now if only if i could get him to post it to the game page himself :(
Me: *Sits down to try and learn unreal* My brain:
I got a surface for my birthday, so i wanted to try to do art I tried to start off with a simple eye but the rough sketch turned out creepy so i just leaned into that please go easy on me
Do it
Shiny (selection icon, like the jewel in sims (potentially (dont @ me)))
You ever just randomly come back to an account you haven't touched in two years to download fnaf fan games
Idea for the Main In-Battle Hud, i'd like to know thoughts on this Thanks to @randomguyed for the character sprite
He Bounce Original version of this sprite by @randomguyed but edited by me Reposted cuz im dum
How's my Wood Texture looking (It will probably be very pain-staking as I will be adding all bark peeling by hand for every part that supports wood [all sword parts and handles])