FNaF After 1 Year in Russia

5 months ago

Since I'm rebranding the game to being more arcade I must make point system bc what's the point of the game without math?

Here are equations 2 for points & their stories of making!

First equation is just clever transformation of 1/x function.

Why this function in particular why not x*points?

Now I'm gonna ask you a question how rapidly difficulty grows from 1s to 0.5s?

Well exponentially because as you go will lower MTs the night are significantly harder so at point 0s you should get the highest prize.

For values higher than default 5s your points are decreased because it much easier than default.

PointsMax are max point for having 0s of MoveTime (MT)

2nd equation on the other hand defines how well you've saved power.

LeftPow is power you won the night with.

SetPower is the power you set before you played.

OptiPower is minimum power use required to win.

PointsMax obviously points for the best case win.

So let's start with how I came up with the whole equation.

So in order to know how to cut the point value based on power usage is simply getting % of the power.

So we divide PowLeft by (100 - OptimalPower) to get percentage of used power & multiply it by max points.

However what if player wanted much harder challenge like half of the default power?

Our current equation doesn't reward those tryhards with lower power than usual.

Let's assume that we have 50% of power at the beginning of the night & optimal power use is 20% & player won with 10% of power what will be the reward with current equation?

10*points/(100-20) = points/8

We get 1/8 of the points for gr8ter challenge that's bad.

However simple fix is replacing 100 with our SetPower 50:

10*points/(50-20) = points/3

Now we get 1/3 of the prize which means we rewarded player fairly!

These equations may look complex but they're really easy when you understand how math operations exactly work.




Next up

We recommend this experience with dancing Popgoes :3



It's time for Night 6

(I died 3 times on Night 6 at 5 AM because Golden & Shadow guy decided that I'ma die)

Rat Race Production Update

Chat can we do it first try?

Teaser #1 for ???? ?

''Could someone be at my window?''

FNaF 1 won!

Classic remake of FNaF is under development.