Second phase of my art was me making full bodies but making it stiff and also absolutely wonky in MS paint, when I tried to do anything perspective. all anatomy was educated guesses when I was in this phase, never used anatomy or anything. This was when I shared a gamejolt with my little brother @The_Nyesh_Man, and yes I made absolute cringe back then lol.
MSpaint phase
and now I sit here learning new things with an art tablet in the Medibang phase.
I'll be going down memory lane and remaking art of things I made long ago that have since been lost at the lowest low of quality I was at back then to realize how long I have gone from it.
It saddens me that honestly my art past is so lack there of lol
so I figured I'd remake it... have faith in what my pieces used to look like, show my fans my ugliness with confidence.