We have just recently updated Slenderman’s Army to the latest version, so we felt it was time to bring Slenderman’s Army over from IndieDB and RPG Maker.net over to here.
We’ve come quite a long way from the original release, almost a year ago, in which myself and a close friend of mine decided we were going to partake in RMN’s All Hallows Eve competition.
Wheras most members had a month, we had 7 days, and we managed it in 5. This marked the first official SMC Games release.
This game was the first Slenderman Game to be made in RPG Maker VX, and was made before the release of RPG Maker VX Ace. Currently we have no plans to port it to VXAce.
The game features a completely Evented Spawn System for both Slender and the pages. It also features a few other bits and pieces, which we’ll leave for you to discover.
We have recently made a new update which fixed all of the errors of the game. So now it is no longer broken, as to which it was originally.
We really hope you guys enjoy this little game of ours, the one that spanned the ideas for Spirit Timer our current in development game. Enjoy and speak soon!