Yup, a new update for the Demo Version is coming with new content for you to experience!
It's still being worked on as I'm still trying to polish it up and finalize everything I want it to include. It should hopefully be done sometime this week. Here's some of the new stuff this version will include:
Updated graphics added for the "office", Camewa animation, and more.
A new night continuing directly from the "Big Doofuses" night, which also means a new Bezel Event.
New decorations.
A more detailed preview of the content you will see in the full game in the cutscene after All Max Mode.
And more, of course.
Hmmm... maybe this is too big for a demo? Should it have been called a "public beta" instead or something? Eh, who cares.
This Expanded Demo Version won't include THAT much new content, but I hope you'll enjoy and get even more excited for the full game! There's still a bit to do before the full game releases, but I'm at least aiming to get that done this year and hopefully soon. And of course, just know that things you see in this Expanded Demo are subject to change.
Wanted to do this as a treat for you all. The support you've all given me has been amazing and incredibly heartwarming. I can't say it enough, thank you all so much! Stay tuned for when this Expanded Demo releases!