Fist off I have some small BeaRage game updates… I’m adding an option that allows you to toggle full screen and windowed mode, It’s being evaluated right now at the moment, Also I might add some levels soon so look forward to that!!! Now for the “Other News”… 1st off I’m proud to announce a new horror project coming this Halloween… It’s sort’ve inspired on @lucasdekuyper ‘s FNAF 8-Bit FNaF Fan Games in the way of it being in the 8-Bit Horror Genre but not copied or anything just I like that style he did and I want to try one myself so that should be a fun thing to try, and also maybe having a fnaf themed section. So it’s on gamejolt right now where you can check it out ::
It’s gonna feature 3 stories as far as I know… a #FNaF themed one, a #Slender story, Possibly a #BendyAnTheInkMachine story, and an IT story. The Stories will be called IT LIVEZ (IT), Fazbear’s Fright (FNaF), Possibly Bendy’s Revenge, and Slender’s Wrath (Slender). If you want to read into them the link is provided as seen. It’s being made in ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 so it should be a fun little horror game for me to do as something related to Halloween. Anyone who would like to pitch in is welcome to if they send me an email and they know how to use ClickTeam well such as I do. you can email [email protected] but help isn’t required for this but would be liked. I also MIGHT do a little Halloween update for BeaRage if I have time because I think that would be fun! Anyways thanks for reading this quick devlog (that wasn’t actually that quick now that I’m reading it to myself), and I’ll post again as soon as I can
Next up
Fortnite Announcement!
My YouTube channel turns 10 years old on March 3rd! Hard to believe it’s been THAT long! To celebrate, I have a few small (but exciting) surprises planned! Stay tuned! (Pic unrelated 👀)
The Obsessive Shadow Shortfilm adaptation!
Happy Valentines day!
POPGOES Arcade VR Release!
Big Announcement!
Console Releases!!!
New Nintendo Switch trailer for the non vr port of my game ‘The Obsessive Shadow’
Check it out here:
New Demo + Development update!