
Comments (5)

What do you think?


this is just a little indie game nothing big


This game reminds me of the greatest baseball game: Chrome-Domes VS. The Mc-Yeggers.

Name Your Price

Open Beta

Version: 0.1.1over 7 years ago
you can check my progress and get early acess with this if you have clickteam fusion

BETA NOW OPEN!!! #RJam #BearJam #MadeWithFusion
Its a Rage Game about Bearʕ•ᴥ•ʔs... what ELSE do you expect?
Knives?!? Whales?!? Whales with Knives?!? Pfftt... yeah that's what you should expect

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed

Small Updates on The way... and other news...

System Requirements

PC ::
OS :: Windows XP - 10
Mac :: MacBook Pro or later
ChromeOS :: Google Chrome Browser running adobe flash player player
Browser :: Anything Running Adobe Flash Player

Patch Notes 1.1

-Adjusted window to now support full screen mode
-thats pretty much it

Open Beta Relased!

The Open Beta is now available publicly for play! Enjoy!

Game Will not be out during the #BearJam due to Computer Crash