Hey again Flumpty fans and just regular people, how y'all been doing today? (I hope y'all doing good)
Anyways, let's just get to first news, the game has been going through tons of major changes like level design, gameplay, and even story (You may noticed that Mr Puzzles' name is gone from both pages)
Yes. The game will be having fully new story with better gameplay and other stuff.
The thing is... I wanted to experience myself in making something that is not related to SMG4 for a LONG time now. Especially that I've recently moved to PenguinMod to do experiments with something original.
And on the other news. For 10th year anniversary of ONAF, I've been experimenting with Flumpty and his friends for a couple of weeks now to do something new about them, I've been seeing Flumpty not as a FNAF character actually, just wanted for Flumpty to be a normal goofy character going on adventures along with his friends like TAOF&B (a ONAF fan series by ManBoy guy on YouTube)
So what i want to say is, Flumpty and Blam will be playable Characters BUT NOT ON RELEASE OF THE GAME! It will happen a bit later in future when I'll invent one of DLCs (like I've mentioned in description) about ONAF
And i guess this is The Eggnd of what i wanted to say, have a nice day everyone!