A New FNAF Fangame by Zapper

What's the Plot?:
You've been kidnapped by Mario for another one of his Games (Like The Meme Games). He has challenge you to Survive each Challenges, You win and you'll get a special prize.
How Big the Game's going to be?:
The whole game is going to be a large game. I'm most likely going to make all the challenges into separate games. There's going to be different mechanics and stuff going on, either ways...
Especially Alot more characters...
How many Challenges are there?:
There's going to be 8 Challenges, we can't really tell what the locations/challenges are... But one of them is basically a Normal Survive till 6AM Stuff...
Character Reveal:
There's going to be Alot of characters in Corrupted Memories. So I'll be revealing at least 4 Characters.




That's all I have for now. Be sure to Follow this game for more Updates and such...