Game has stupid bug like flashlight working even with cameras pulled on.
Spoilers are hidden in case unless you've beaten Night 3 then read them.
Communist attacking too fast in vent on any AI
SN 69 having less content than 2.0 because some content was cut because it was reaching Clickteam's memory limit.
Plus some balancing issues like being able to do nothing when
Communist attacks in the vent
or vent guys enter while you're flashing other character (obviously it's not a problem here because flashlight is glitched)
Plus you can mindlessly hold the flashlight whole game because there's no reason to not to.
This time I won't be lazy & I shall add endless mode back for some reason.
Custom Night is also kinda old & not modern in my opinion because if you know me I like customization a little bit too much so yeah you know where this is going.
Btw Asian mode will be buffed because it's too ez.
Night 2 also will get Custom Night because it's special night after all & I'll remove FPS based timers which if you play on 25 FPS may ruin your life but when you play at 100 FPS this night is a breeze.
Oh & I'm gonna add tutorials because gameplay is literally never explained anywhere!
You literally must guess what to do who would get idea that in order to close vent have you to click on red thing?
This update will be final one I hope & it'll make this game much better.
@JonatanPL said game is too ez so.....
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