If you don’t know (but who am I kidding I haven’t even Tweeted this), the new version, codenamed Project Marmelade (as opposed to Jam), is having some slight graphical upgrades, particularly in bomb levels. Also, as a neat little extra, bloom works on UI. Don’t worry though, it’s only very subtle, and I haven’t remodeled or restyled or anything.
I’ve added in: Antialiasing, Bloom, Lens Flares (the good type), and pre-rendered Ambient Occlusion.
Here’s a screenshot.
and without the UI
Sorry these aren’t quite the neatest screenshots, I’ve used Gyazo by hand.
Also, I’ve added one and five minute modes, which add a timer to the game, and you try to get the highest score. You’ll notice there are new leaderboards to go with these. And don’t worry, the timer doesn’t interfere with the gameplay, it only comes up when you hold Space.
Plus, there may be an easter egg that may have to do with holding down every letter in one of my previous game’s names. So if it was Switch you’d have to hold down S, W, I, T, C, and H on your keyboard. SHHH WHAT? Easter Egg? There aren’t any Easter Eggs, don’t worry……………………………………..bye.