Cutscene where you need to get to the store will be deleted, there will be a VHS skip, names of some achievements will be redone, some achievements will be deleted, and also the dialogues will be in the form of text. Update in this week!
Next up
adding custom night
Beta 3.5 update in Five Nights with Toys 2 available! It has temporarily removed the VHS, reduced the AI of the animatronics, and added an Easter egg.
Version 3.5 is out!
Interesting fact: the game used to have a mode - SUPER HARD MODE!!! This was a complication of the sixth night. It was cut to version 2.0
Rat Race Production Update
what kind of room is this?
Доступно финальное обновление 3.0!
Обновление 1.6 вышло!!! Добавлена новая кнопка в Экстре