15 hours ago

So I've been hearing a number of people say, regarding the ending of this game, they want to see a sequel because they didn't find the ending satisfactory. Not going to promise anything, but here's what I'll say.

The only way a SUBCON.FDS sequel happening will become even a possibility is if at least the following takes place.

  • Someone makes a stable, well designed Super Mario Bros. 2 engine...FOR Gamemaker Studio 2. I'm never going to touch clickteam for any long term projects ever again, so if this were to happen, someone would have to make a stable Mario 2 engine, with at minimum, all the features of the original mario 2 on it (e.g playable Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Toad, Subspace potions, buried vegetables, buried items in general, pausing, doors, locked doors, etc.). But since no completely engine currently Super Mario Bros 2. Engine made specifically for Mario 2 style gameplay and it not being for Gamemaker Studio 2, no sequel.

  • There also would have to be some kind of other strong incentive other than just a few people asking for me to do it too. Given how, at the end of the day, these are fangames. Fangames don't pay the bills. And along with this, I'm really busy as is, and don't see a foreseeable time in the future that I won't be unfortunately, and so, unless there's a way I can do this where I'm gaining some kind of transferable skill from this (Since I'm currently eyeing Gamemaker Studio 2 as an option to make a lot of my future games on.). It becomes less likely. Another possibility too is that Luigikid hosts another Exechallenge and I submit a sequel to SUBCON.FDS for it. It certainly isn't going to be this challenge, seeing as I already have a game planned for it (to be announced at a future date.).

  • Basically in summary, SUBCON.FDS is VERY unlikely to get a sequel, and it's something of which I will only consider if there's a really big demand for it, someone does something to optimize the process that would be involved in making it, and if that method of doing so was on Gamemaker Studio 2.



Next up…

The Super Mario Bros Movie 2 is happening, even if not for awhile. Also, Happy Mario Day!

So...unfortunately given that IRL things got in the way and in general having to do more than expected, SUBCON.FDS' full version will NOT be making it to EXEChallenge3. That is unless something crazy happens (i.e deadline extension). But otherwise...yeah.

Never thought I'd see the day...

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Mario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

No context.

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Wario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

Wanted to apologize real quick that things have been so radio silent on this and The Innerlands.


This week's Fan Art Friday celebrates Donkey Kong. Accept the quest in your quest log to get started!

So you may have noticed I didn't submit the full version of SUBCON.FDS to the second exe challenge, this is no mistake.