Fun with the Custom Pizzeria (FNaF OpenSource Fan-Game)

4 years ago




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<After 3 hours of rendering (It's not now, it's 4 hours ago)>

Yes! YES! But... Блин... Okay, i think, it's it won't be particularly noticeable in the future...

(It's not poster)

DevLog Diary №2. Yay!!!

Freddy's head concept for FwtCP:R.

It's non release version, but I can't not give you to hear it.

Second try

...and mading video tiser. It's last.

The authors of the models and maps will be specified definitely.

Since I've completely stopped talking, I should at least show something... But so far, I don't have any other concepts and what's on the video, so... Oh, I hope I survive until I start working with this game...

Updating newspaper sprite.

Addendum to DevDiary №2 - video with main menu.

Mini DevLog!

Some little upgrades for the office. Textures will be replaced.