After over a month of beginning development on a game engine, I’ve decided to make it public!
The game has no title yet, and will be referred to as “Project 9” for the time being.
It’s going to be a mix of an RPG, a Metroid/Vania platformer, and a loot hunting game, a game type that has always interested me. There will be everything from common to ultra rare drops, tidbits of lore (think darksouls style lore), humor, and over 20 skills to pick from and level up as you level up yourself.
Want to be a tanky melee machine? No problem.
Want to be a long range quick gunner? You can do that.
Want to be a jedi like swordsman deflecting projectiles with your blade? Sure!
Want to mix all three of those and more? Do it.
You can build any type of character you might want to play!
Thanks for reading!