Five Nights At Freddy`s : Witness (OFFICIAL)
1 year ago

so, lets talk about the models.

As we embark on this comprehensive overhaul of the Drawkill models, we acknowledge the time-intensive nature of this process, recognizing that the meticulous reimagining and redesigning of the existing models are crucial steps toward achieving a product of unparalleled quality. Our ambition is not just to meet but to exceed current standards, setting a new benchmark for innovation and excellence in character design. The careful consideration and dedication invested in this project underscore its potential to be a transformative and highly anticipated contribution to the field.

Given the intricacy and importance of this endeavor, we anticipate a release timeline aligned with our commitment to delivering a product that surpasses expectations. Therefore, we aim to unveil the revamped Drawkill models as part of a larger gaming experience in 2024 or 2025. We believe that the wait will be a worthwhile investment, ensuring that our audience receives a game that exemplifies the pursuit of excellence in both design and gameplay.

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did not enter the Fangame Fanverse, sadly... BUT!

Five Nights at Freddy's : Witness | What is left to finish?

Re-Modeling Mia | Main Character | Five Nights at Freddy’s: Witness

Re-Modeled by: @Joker_Mazer231_Official Original Model Source: F.E.A.R

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Nightmare William Afton | Five Nights at Freddy's : Witness

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Hair Prototype | Five Nights at Freddy's : Witness

Re-Modeled by: @Joker_Mazer231_Official Original Model Source: F.E.A.R

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