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The lovely wife of Saint Nicholas. By "lovely", I mean I'd prefer seeing her around less!
What do you even do at the North Pole? Bake cookies? I sincerely hope you accidentally slip in some coal!
Your family should have left you behind on purpose. Brats such as yourself deserve to be hit with a thousand curses!
Tricks and traps won't be enough to take me down. Any attempts you make simply make me frown!
The great pumpkin king himself: Jack Skellington. He's got plenty of fans at home, but in my lair? You'll find none!
He's ancient, he's ugly, I don't know which is worse. Either way, I wouldn't hesitate hitting him with a curse!
That box may work on the queen, but on me? It won't sell! You're gonna have to try a little harder than that, Noelle!
If you need to be taught how to fight, then don't bother challenging me! You won't even last long enough to count to three!
Creating junk for all of the world's brats. Honestly, could there be a more miserable existence than that?
I can assure you that working with Grunty is far more pleasant. It's certainly better than spending your lifetime making Christmas presents!
Your title is exaggerated, for sure. The amount of failures on your resume is so long, I could give you a tour!
You couldn't compare to someone like me! If I had to give you a rating, it'd definitely be a three!
Wasn't really motivated today. Just have this Mr.Virtual doodle.
Keep your snowballs to yourself, snowcone! Lest I reduce you to nothing, but bones!
Leave Tooty to me and nothing will be lost! There's nothing you can do that I can't counter, Jack Frost!