Zkuyn.exXxexXxe is officially cancelled. And I have a lot of reasons to do it
We do have more projects that are smaller, but we'd like to do. We've just lost the will to continue working on this
We can't even make sprite art. Phantom's arts weren't that good back then but, hey, it's the best thing we could get. We've been trying to learn about spriting, and it's been very hard for the both of us. If it's hard for us to draw normally, imagine drawing it again, but much smaller
Due to some external problems, my mental health has been going down. I had to leave the Internet for a lot of time to constantly work on the projects that I can't even get to totally lift back up, but with the three aforementioned things, and without the full knowledge of what was Phantom in, I ended up losing it and well, here we are
I hope you all understand. VS ENA is going to come out at some point, but Zkuyn isn't. So sorry for these inconveniences, but don't feel disappointed. I feel like that enough to totally break in tears if somebody else was
- Pumpkin, Leader of GPC
PD: Curse you four, Bomber, Boy, L.F and Juanox